Take a Stand Against a Sedentary Lifestyle
July 26, 2017

Take a Stand Against a Sedentary Lifestyle

Did you know that sitting is the new smoking? The combination of sitting for large portions of the day, for six hours or more, and a lack of exercise can have serious health ramifications for workers who primarily sit at a desk all day. Some of these issues include chronic back and neck pain, eye strain, diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. An intense period of exercise later in the evening will not reverse the negative impact of ‘sitting side effects,’ and thus solutions must go right to the source. Taking frequent standing breaks every 30-60 minutes, avoiding electronic use after hours, and scheduling walking meetings are all great solutions, but one simple option is just not to sit! Standing desks and sit/stand work zones are becoming increasingly popular and help to mitigate some of the risks associated with too much sitting. That being said, it’s important to start slow with just 20 minutes at a time as you adjust, use a mat to protect your knees and hips, and continue to find creative ways to keep moving. We are loving our standing desks here at Medlior!
