Pokémon and Public Health
December 19, 2016

Pokemon GO App Showing Pokemon Encounter

Pokémon Go, the smartphone phenomenon sweeping the globe, may actually be good for your health! In addition to the benefit of getting people moving and walking (data from wearable activity trackers suggest that players increased their average daily step count from 6,000 to 11,000 steps following the release), the game helps to foster a sense of community, bring families together, helps those with anxiety, depression, and mental illness. Parents of children with autism also report the positive impact of the social benefits, the change in routine and engagement with their surroundings, and bonding opportunities their children experience. But will this craze, and the associated benefits, last? By early August, 100 million people had downloaded the game and an average of 40 million daily active users were reported. Although that number dropped to around 30 million daily active users by the end of August, the game is still incredibly popular. Given the sheer number of people playing, as well as the fact that it was recently announced that Pokémon Go will soon be coming to the Apple Watch, it is safe to say that players will likely be reaping the health benefits for a while yet.

Medlior encourages everyone to “Get up and Go!” whether to capture Pokémon, play with your kids and pets or enjoy a long walk in the final days of summer.




