P4 Medicine: predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory
June 27, 2017

P4 Medicine predictive personalized preventive and participatory

Medlior was pleased to sponsor and attend the Personalized Medicine Summit 2017 earlier this month at the University of British Columbia. The esteemed group of speakers included researchers and health system administrators from Canada as well as the England, Scotland, Australia and the United States.

Speaker highlights included:

  • Sir Malcolm Grant, Chairman of NHS England presented “Creating a National Genomic Medicine Service” discussing the work of Genomics England Ltd which focuses on rare diseases in children and cancer. https://www.genomicsengland.co.uk/
  • Leroy Hood, President, Institute for Systems Biology presented “Systems Medicine, Big Data and Scientific Wellness: Transforming Healthcare—A Personal View” discussing wellness as the key to understanding disease. https://www.systemsbiology.org/
  • Verna Yiu, President and CEO of AHS, presented “Collaborating for Precision Health in Alberta” discussed the work of the Alberta Academic Health Network to encourage personalized health -related research for application to the health system. A key research imitative includes the PACEOMICS projects which examines the economic value of personalized health. http://paceomics.org/
  • Elizabeth Baca, Senior Health Advisor for the State of California presented “Advancing Precision Medicine in California- Next Steps and Lessons Learned” discussed the initiative in California to bring together California’s leaders from academia and tech to innovate and advance precisions medicine. http://www.ciapm.org/
  • The Honorable James S Cowan, QC, presented “Safeguarding Canadians’ Genetic Information: Bill S-201, the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act”. The new law prohibits “any person from requiring an individual to undergo a genetic test or disclose the results of a genetic test as a condition of providing goods or services to, entering into or continuing a contract or agreement with, or offering specific conditions in a contract or agreement with, the individual. Exceptions are provided for health care practitioners and researchers.” https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/BillDetails.aspx?Language=E&billId=8063160
  • John Mattick, Executive Director of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research presented “The transformation of healthcare by the integration of genomic data, clinical records, the internet of things and machine learning” discussed the work of Australia’s Genome.One® which includes disease diagnostics, discovery genomics and precision health applications. https://www.genome.one/
  • Andrew Morris, Chief Scientist of NHS Scotland presented “The importance of big data for stratified medicine” and discussed the work of The Scottish Genomes Partnership https://www.scottishgenomespartnership.org/
  • Julio Montaner, Director of BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS presented “HIV-Treatment a Prevention® as an Innovative Platform to Promote Targeted Disease Elimination and Health Care Sustainability” and discussed the goal for 2020 where 90% of the people globally diagnosed are 90% on treatment and at least 90% of those are biologically suppressed, it will decrease HIV progression and new infections globally by approximately 90%. http://www.cfenet.ubc.ca/news/releases/panama-embraces-british-columbia-inspired-unaids-90-90-90-treatment-targets-end

