ISPOR on Big Data
May 11, 2018

“Big Data” was the topic of the ISPOR 20th Annual International Meeting, held in Philadelphia, PA (May 15-20, 2015), and was highlighted in the third plenary session, held May 20th, “Big Data, Big Systems, and Better Evidence: What Progress?”. The plenary presentations are available here, on ISPORs page of Released Presentations.

Here are some of the interesting presentations we were able to check out at the conference:

  1. ISPOR Forum 5: Integrating Big Data Into Real-World Practice; presented by William H. Crown and Marc Berger
  2. Issue Panel Presentation 4: What is the Value of   Big Data in Comparative Effectiveness Research and Clinical Decision Making? Presented by William H. Crown, Sarah Greene, Miguel Hernan, and Milton C Weinstein
  3. Workshop Presentation 4: Identifying Patients with Rare Disorders using Administrative Data; presented by Daniel C. Malone, Eric J. Bell, Wei-Shi Yeh and Edward P. Armstrong
  4. Workshop Presentation 9: Methodological Choices for Analyzing Cluster-Correlated Data in Large Patient Databases; presented by Samuel Aballéa, Katia Thokagevistk, Steve Sherman and Firas Dabbous.

While you’re at it, check out this article in the latest issue of Value & Outcomes Spotlight: Wilson, M. Big Data in Health Care Decisions: Where are we now and what does the future hold? Value & Outcomes Spotlight, May/June 2015, 1(3):5-9